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Senior lunches: March 13-19, 2025

  BAKER CITY: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Baker County Senior Center, 2810 Cedar St. Menu: Thursday, ...

Public Safety

East Oregonian public safety logs

Hermiston Police Department recent activity Pendleton Police Department recent activity Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office recent activity and jail in-custody ...

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Chuck Sams comes home

PENDLETON — Even when he didn’t know it, Charles “Chuck” Sams was always going to come home.


Pertussis outbreak triggers response in Umatilla County after 8 confirmed cases

UMATILLA COUNTY — In the past 20 days, eight people in the area have tested positive for pertussis, ...


High school art exhibition recognizes local students

LA GRANDE — More thaa 200 students from 14 high schools showcased their work at the Eastern Oregon ...


Bowling is right up service dog’s alley

HERMISTON — In celebration of his third birthday, Leroy, a yellow Labrador retriever, helped raise $1,900 for a ...


Chuck Sams returns to Pendleton


Umatilla Sage Riders hitch up for annual tack swap

HERMISTON — For those looking for saddles, stirrups, bridles, halters, bits and other equine accessories, head to the ...


Senior lunches: Feb. 27-March 5, 2025

BAKER CITY: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Baker County Senior Center, 2810 Cedar St. Menu: Thursday, Feb. ...


What’s cooking? Stanfield Community Center seeks head cook

STANFIELD — The Stanfield Community Center is seeking a head cook to coordinate food preparation for its Senior ...

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Pendleton PEO chapter provides medical scholarships to Pendleton area women

PENDLETON — Pendleton PEO Chapter CM is accepting applications for the Alison Furnish Memorial Scholarship. The award is ...


Walla Walla Veterans Home administrator to speak at ROA meeting

WALLA WALLA — Participants will receive an update on the Walla Walla Veterans Home during the Reserve Organization ...


Soroptimists offer career education program to Hermiston area high school girls

HERMISTON — A program coordinated by Soroptimist International of the Greater Hermiston Area will include sessions on exploring ...


Veterinarians volunteer to perform free surgeries on 100 pets for CTUIR residents

MISSION — A team of veterinarians are volunteering to perform free surgeries on 100 dogs and cats for ...


Munk, Moon earn top Milton-Freewater awards

MILTON-FREEWATER — Milton-Freewater residents gathered Friday evening, Feb. 21, for the annual awards banquet honor key figures and ...


Pendleton Eagles Lodge serves up senior lunch program

PENDLETON — The Pendleton Eagle Lodge is beginning a new weekly lunch service for seniors. Members of Aerie ...


St. John’s Episcopal Church serves Shrove Tuesday meal in Hermiston

HERMISTON — The congregations of St. John’s Episcopal Church and Grace and Mercy Lutheran invite the community to ...


Latin Grammy winner Michael Salgado tunes up in Hermiston

HERMISTON — Two-time Latin Grammy winner Michael Salgado is making a stop in Eastern Oregon as part of ...


Wildhorse Foundation invests in state science museum programming

NORTHEASTERN OREGON — The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry will be funding immersive education programs for youth ...


New Exchange Club of Pendleton commits to improving community

PENDLETON — A new community service club has formed and made helping others its primary mission. The Exchange ...