Senior lunches: March 20-26, 2025

Published 5:15 am Monday, March 17, 2025

BAKER CITY: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Baker County Senior Center, 2810 Cedar St. Menu: Thursday, March 20 (pork roast); Friday, March 21 (salisbury steak); Monday, March 24 (spaghetti with meat sauce); Tuesday, March 25 (ham & beans); Wednesday, March 26 (chicken Caesar salad). Suggested $5 donation for seniors/volunteers; costs $7.50 for adults/teens; $5 for 12 and under. (541-523-6591).

BOARDMAN: noon to 12:30 p.m. at Boardman Senior Center, 100 Tatone St. Menu: Thursday, March 20 (Birthday lunch: French dip sandwiches); Tuesday, March 25 (Polish sausage). Costs $5 for seniors; $6 for others. (541-481-3257).

HEPPNER: 11:30 a.m. at St. Patrick’s Senior Center, 190 N. Main St. Menu: Tuesday, March 25 (salad bar). Free for ages 60-plus; $5 for others. (541-314-3185).

HERMISTON: noon to 12:30 p.m. at Harkenrider Senior Activity Center, 255 NE Second St. Menu: Thursday, March 20 (chicken patties); Tuesday, March 25 (taco salad). Costs $5; free for ages 10 and under. (Call 541-567-3582 for Meals on Wheels).

IRRIGON: noon at Stokes Landing Senior Center, 150 Columbia Lane. Menu: Monday, March 24 (fish sticks). Costs $5 for seniors; $6 for others. (Place order by Friday at 541-922-3334).

JOHN DAY: noon at the John Day Senior Center, 142 NE Dayton St. Menu: Thursday, March 20 (hot turkey sandwich); Monday, March 24 (tuna broccoli bake & pasta). Suggested $6 donation for 60 and older; costs $7 for those under 60 and all to-go meals. (541-575-1825).

LA GRANDE: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Union County Senior Center, 1504 N. Albany St. Menu: Thursday, March 20 (tuna noodle casserole); Friday, March 21 (salisbury steak); Monday, March 24 (stuffed pepper); Tuesday, March 25 (Swedish meatballs); Wednesday, March 26 (Reuben sandwich). Suggested $5 donation for seniors; costs $10 for others. (541-963-7532).

MONUMENT: noon at the Monument Senior Center, 269 Main St. Menu: Tuesday, March 25 (meatloaf). Costs $6 for seniors; $7 for ages 60 and under. (541-934-2700).

PENDLETON: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Pendleton Eagles Lodge, 428 S. Main St. Menu: Wednesday, March 26 (taco soup). Free for ages 60 and older (donations accepted); costs $7 for all others. (541-276-1926).

PRAIRIE CITY: noon at the Prairie City Senior Center, 204 N. McHaley Ave. Menu: Wednesday, March 26 (Reuben sandwich on rye). Costs $6. (541-820-4100).

STANFIELD: noon at the Stanfield Community Center, 225 W. Roosevelt Ave. Menu: Wednesday, March 26 (chili). The cost is $5. (541-449-1332).

WALLOWA COUNTY: 11:30 a.m. at 702 NW First St., Enterprise; and noon at 204 E. Second St., Wallowa. Menu: Friday, March 21 (chef salad); Monday, March 24 (baked chicken); Wednesday, March 26 (kielbasa & sauerkraut). Suggested $5 donation for seniors/volunteers; costs $12.50 for adults/teens; $5 for 12 and under. (541-426-3840, 541-886-8971).

Tammy Malgesini has worked as a community reporter/columnist for Carpenter Media Group-EO since 2006. She earned a psychology/sociology degree from George Fox College. In her spare time, Tammy enjoys spending time with her husband and two German shepherds.

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