Our view: Northeast Oregon has plenty to offer

Published 6:00 am Saturday, May 18, 2024

Occasionally it is worthwhile to stop and take stock of what we have as a state and region.

That can be a pretty tall order nowadays. But now, more than ever, we should remember that not only do we live in an area rich in beautiful scenery, but we also share this with friends and neighbors who care about their communities and want the best for everyone.

Not too long ago those sentiments would have seemed so obvious as to be unworthy of recognition. Now, though, as the nation gears up for a national election that will be as difficult and contentious as any in our history, it is fitting to drop a small reminder that we, as a nation, a state and a region, have more in common than we might be led to believe by political rancor.

Generally, people in our region want to help their communities. They want to see good things happen, things that benefit themselves and their neighbors, and they strive to find what unites us rather than what divides us.

A cursory glance at television news programs, which are really no longer “news” outlets but platforms for propaganda from one political side or the other, can convince some people that the political and philosophical chasms between us are too wide to bridge.

Yet readers will still see on a regular basis in our newspaper and on our online outlets stories about people who did, and continue to do, great things for their community.

People like Russell A. “Spike” Piersol, of Hermiston, who died last month but was remembered fondly by residents. Then there is the gazebo being created by Elgin High School students.

Those are just two examples of the great people who make up our region.

There is a lot we can focus on as a state and region that is negative. There is no shortage of problems that need to be fixed. We must always face those problems head on and never avert our eyes from the truth.

Yet we should also remember that while we set out to solve our region’s problems, we remember our area is a great place to live, work and play.
