Walla Walla Veterans Home administrator to speak at ROA meeting
Published 5:30 am Tuesday, February 25, 2025
- Residents of the Walla Walla Veterans Home participate in harvest activities in October 2024. Administrator Lonna Leno will provide an update about the facility on March 7, 2025, during the Reserve Organization of America no-host luncheon at the Walla Walla Country Club. All are welcome.
WALLA WALLA — Participants will receive an update on the Walla Walla Veterans Home during the Reserve Organization of America Walla Walla Chapter 021 meeting.
Administrator Lonna Leno is the guest speaker during the no-host luncheon gathering Friday, March 7, noon at the Walla Walla Country Club, 1390 Country Club Road. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. Selections from the menu will be available for purchase.
The ROA was founded in 1922 to highlight reserve components of the U.S. Armed Forces. For more information about the local ROA chapter, search Facebook via bit.ly/45bXlcd. For questions, email Sarah L. Bro, ROA 021 president, at roa21pr@gmail.com.